Seance - Neil Wedman
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

This group photo of Vancouver artists appeared in the Globe & Mail on May 15, 1999. From left to right you have:
Neil Wedman, Landon McKenzie(bottom left), Lawrence Yuxweluptun( middle top) Lucy Hogg (middle top right), Phillippe Raphanel (bottom right) and Renée van Halm.
Grant Simmons of DISC would drum scan my transparencies and he would send them (including this one) to the Globe photo desk with his high speed cable. At the time all I knew how to do was send emails! The reason this photograph (taken at Emily Carr Institute of Art & Design) is here now is that I need an excuse to also show Neil Wedman's Seance, 1990 a pencil sketch for his Equinox Gallery show Seance in 1992. The lovely sketch is in my living room to the left of my computer monitor. I see it every day and I have to smile.
Neil Wedman-Equinox Gallery
Neil Wedman