Six Fingers & The Malecón
Monday, July 23, 2007

We had a pleasant day in Mérida yesterday. On Sundays the plaza principal and immediate streets are closed to traffic except for bicycles. Eveything that can be sold is sold at the square. And there is non stop musical entertainment. There was a group singing really swinging rock until I noticed the lyrics were all about the Lord and saying yes to Him. It was a modern revival group. Of course Rebecca had a question on her face. We bought some handbags from some native women who had come from Chiapas. A little girl with them (4) was touching Rebecca's painted finger nails. It was then that Rebecca told me the little girl had two thumbs in one hand. From there we went to a bookstore with a very highbrow approach to its merchandise. Incredible as it may seem they are a chain all over Mexico. In the evening we caught the Da Vinci Code on HBO. Rebecca had many questions and understood part of it. I will have to explain the plot to her on the way to Chichén tomorrow. I will have to be careful to explain to her that nephew Jorge O'Reilly in Buenos Aires is not a villain even though he is in the Opus Dei
In a few days we are going to take a little bus to the port city of Progreso that is about 30 minutes away. It is the favourite retreat for the meridanos. It has a very long peer and a white sand beach. Tourists avoid this beach as they opt for the more popular beach in Cancun in the nearby state of Quintana Roo. As we stroll on the malecón (seaside walk)both Rosemary and I will be taken back 37 years when in the Veracruz malecón we were surprised by a sudden norte where I took this picture of her with Ale.