Rosa ' Yellow Dagmar Hastrup'
Friday, June 27, 2008

Last week when Rosemary, Lauren, Rebecca and I were at the Pacific Shores Resort & Spa I was pleasantly surprised not only to find a very good and varied garden of good shrubs, trees and perennials but also many interesting roses. One attracted my attention with a nagging suspicion in my mind that I could not peg down. It was a yellow rugosa with a peppery scent. Yellow rugosas are a rare breed. I wrote about rugosas here. The plant in the resort had those narrowish leaves with rugose indentations. But it wasn't Rosa 'Agnes' because the mysterly plant had fewer petals. Agnes was the first yellow rugosa and Canadian, too! There aren't many others. What was it?
Then a few days ago I remembered. Instead of telling you about it look here. Tim Bray has his way with words and besides he is a snob of good draught beer. At this time of the year that makes him real smart!