Homemade Root Beer On Musqueam Nation Property
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sooner or later I will have to purchase a handy digital so I can take handy photographs. But something tells me that a photo that would illustrate yesterday's story would not be quite right.
I took Rosemary and my daughter Hilary and our granddaughters Rebecca and Lauren to the opening of Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas's work at the Museum of Anthropology. It was a late sunny afternoon.

Rebecca was particularly fascinated by the sight of a car that Yahgulanaas painted black, and all the trim metallic copper. Bill Reid's canoe sat on top of the roof. She giggled, doing exactly what Yahgulanaas had asked us to do (during his speech) when looking at his work (above is Bone Box, detail).
After the speeches we went outside for a hamburger barbecue complete with potato salad and home made root beer. I was sitting on a rock talking to a beautifully dressed older gentleman with white hair. I was sipping on my root beer and he on lemonade. Rebecca came along. I asked her to ask the man what his connection with the museum was.
"What is your connection to this museum?"
"I am the architect who designed it."